14 мая 2024
450 тысяч слов
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Всё об этом слове:

Значения слова юрок

Словарь Ушакова
Словарь Ожегова
Словарь Ефремовой
Энциклопедический словарь
Большая Советская Энциклопедия
Энциклопедия Брокгауза и Ефрона
Тюркизмы в русском языке
Топонимический словарь Амурской области

Словарь Ушакова


юрок, юрка, муж. (зоол. обл.). Тоже, что вьюрок.

Словарь Ожегова


ЮРОК, рка, м. Небольшая таёжная певчая птица, внешне сходная с зябликом, род вьюрка.

| прил. юрковый, ая, ое.

Словарь Ефремовой


Таежная птица семейства вьюрковых с черным, оранжево-рыжим и белым оперением;

Энциклопедический словарь


то же, что вьюрок.

Большая Советская Энциклопедия


птица семейства вьюрковых; то же, что вьюрок .

Энциклопедия Брокгауза и Ефрона


или вьюрок (Fringilla montifringilla) - см. Вьюрок.

Тюркизмы в русском языке


(менее правильно вьюрок), м цевка, трубочка, в которую продевается нитка при наматывании клубков (Даль, 4, 668, на сл. юрйтъ). Возможно, тюрк. происхождения. См. Радлов урка (чаг.) веретено (1, 1836).

(This is an example of ancient Slavic adaptation of Türkic words starting with unaccented vowel, yürok > viürok. The unaccented vowel in Slavic adaptation is modified by a prosthetic consonant, mostly "v". This is a model for a whole dictionary of Slavic borrowings, many of them not listed in the Russian etymological dictionaries and not included in the E.N.Shipova's dictionary, because they have analogies across all Slavic languages, sometimes including Balto-Slavic languages too, and therefore are generally classed as aboriginal Slavic words. Some of them were even suggested a *reconstructed *proto-word, which, naturally, does not deviate greatly from their Türkic prototypes. Their systematic appearance among the Slavic languages serves as one evidence that the Slavs originated from those Baltic peoples that fell into the Türkic orbit in the Late Antique period. Other Baltic peoples remained unaffected or demonstrate insignificant influence, which could be of a secondary nature. The "Türkic orbit" could be a "Great Sarmatia", or a Wеstern Hunnic confederation. Among these words are

Alan "Alan tribe" > Balan, Bolon "Alan tribe", "Alan tribesman"

ara "openning" > arata "gate crossbar" > vorota "ворота" "gate"

ataman "leader" from "ata" "father" + "-man" suffix > vataman "ватаман""leader". In Ukraine, Slavicized Türkic population preserved the Türkic form.

elü/ilü "hitch" > vily "вилы""pitchfork", vilka "вилка" "fork"

emü "suck", emchäk "breasts" > vymya "вымя" "udder"

jön, yazu "tousle" > vyazat "вязать" "link"

onug "grandson" > vnuk "vnuk" "grandson". For a spin by Vasmer see here.

örüg "weaved" > veriga "верига" "fetter"

ös "summit" > vys "высь" "summit"

otag "tent, dwelling, family" > vataga "ватага" "band of people, clique"

ulus "possession, territory" > volost "волость" "possession, territory"

ür "top" > verkh "верх" "top"

urdalyk "parson belonging to Horde" > vurdalak "вурдалак" "weirdo" (negative, about a person)

ury/ory "thief" > vor "вор" "thief"

yulga "river, body of water" > Volga "Волга" "river", vlaga "влага" "water", and a slew of derivatives and dialectal variations

yük "travel pack" > viük "вьюк" "travel pack". See юк/вьюк

yürok "tube spindle" > viürok "вьюрок" "spindle"

The list can go on and on. All the words in this list belong to a shared Slavic lexicon, to a some degree indicating a Slavic-Tьrkic bilingualism in the Late Antique-Early Middle Ages period. One Tьrkic people who lived in close proximity with the Slavs were the Scythian Agathysi, called by Slavs with a Slavic calque "Drevlyane" Many words describe innovations introduced by nomadic pastoralists into the life of sedentary people, indicating a significant proportion of settled life among these Tьrkic people. Material is taken from F.Sh. Fattakhov, "Bulgars were a city tribe?", in "Problems of linguistical history of Tatar Peoples", IYaLI RT, 1995

Топонимический словарь Амурской области


руч., лп р. Бол. Джуваскит в Зейском р-не; ЮРОК – руч., лп р. Юмор (бассейн р. Бурунда) в Селемджинском р-не. Название дано по широкому распространению здесь птицы юрок - ближайшего родича зяблика.

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